<![CDATA[ForevaPix - God’s Miracle of New Beginnings]]>Mon, 01 Jul 2024 23:01:13 +1200Weebly<![CDATA[Baby M’s Baptism: God’s Miracle of New Beginnings]]>Mon, 10 Jul 2023 09:17:39 GMThttp://forevapix.co.nz/godrsquos-miracle-of-new-beginnings/baby-ms-baptism-gods-miracle-of-new-beginnings
​A christening or a baptism is a special time in a child’s life when she takes that first big step to be cleansed of original sin. By receiving the mark of the Holy Spirit🕊️, she becomes a part of the Catholic church & the doors for receiving the rest of the seven sacraments are now open to her. Such an amazing gift, for a new life that has just been ushered into the world, to begin their first few days with gifts literally bestowed down on them from heaven! Baby M was about to receive something amazing soon, in the form of her baptism.
​ I had the opportunity to not only be a witness to such a beautiful tradition myself but I was also the photographer for the event. Having photographed the baptisms of babies 1 & 2, being part of the celebration for baby M was like three times the joy. Her little form nestled in that beautiful white gown, cuddled against her mum, unaware of the beautiful ceremony that was yet to unfold was truly a sight to behold.

The church was beautifully adorned waiting eagerly to receive Baby M in her fold in all its heavenly pomp & pageantry. The beautiful sunshine emerging out from the stained glass windows delicately bounced off from the wall, weaving together an eye-catching tapestry of colours as it created an ethereal rainbow on the various holy statues, paintings & candles in the church. The silence added an even deeper layer of the saintly to the proceedings, inviting the congregation to pray & reflect on the new journey the littlest among us was to make.
​Father J. welcomed baby M’s friends & family warmly outside the church – there was soon going to be another little Christian and joyful excitement filled the air. Everyone proceeded to take their seats as the priest read out the various baptismal prayers.
​The moment finally arrived when Baby M was to be baptized with the proud parents dad P & mum L proceeding to the baptismal font where she was baptized with water followed by anointing with holy oils – the oil of the Catechumens & the Holy Chrism Oil.
Her Godparents joined in too, lighting the candle 🕯️ which symbolizes the risen Christ ✝️ – a light to all nations, a flame that has to be kept burning bright throughout the little one’s life. 
Baby M was calm throughout the whole ceremony & guess what she did not even flinch for a moment as the water trickled down her tiny little head. Wow! this moment was filled with all the cuteness & holiness a baptismal picture can bring, at the same time.

It reminded me of my son's baptism day as well - it was a blur indeed with all the preparations for my wife & me leading up to this very moment that Baby M & her parents were in, but we could totally resonate with our friends on their baby's BIG day. Indeed once this was done, one couldn't help but notice the radiant joy on the family's faces as their newest member was part of the wider Catholic church, especially of proud daddy P (I'm sure they will ALL be their daddy's favorites)!

​If you peek a bit closely into the picture, you cannot help but notice St. Joseph holding little baby Jesus, a good model for all fathers & fathers-to-be to follow - patient, resilient & quick thinking, a many of few words but impactful actions, something fathers around the globe can seek to emulate.
 ​As the divine (yes it was truly divine!) smell of the balsamic notes lingered in the air long after the baptism ceremony came to a conclusion the congregation gathered there that day was reminded now that baby M was consecrated to God’s service. A short reception followed thereafter to celebrate this beautiful day.
​Many congratulations Baby M & an even bigger congratulations to the proud parents & sisters on taking your first (baby steps👣) to allowing the Holy Spirit 🕊️to dwell in you.